Kompilasi Soal Ujian UAS Structure I Universitas Terbuka (UT)

Berikut Potongan Kompilasi Soal Ujian Mata Kuliah Stucture I (PBIS4114) Universitas Terbuka (UT). Soal lengkap dan kunci jawaban dapat di Unduh di bagian bawah>>

Pilih satu jawaban yang benar:

1. Which sentence bellow has a lingking verb?
A. Arnold pluck a rubber band
B. A musical Instrument Vibrate
C. Drum, triangles, customers are like table of stick
D. We memorized the name of the three links of instruments

2. Which sentence has an action verb?
A. That is my corret address.
B. The home of a harbor seal is almost always cold and snowy
C. All people looked fearful
D. The audience applauded the actors.

3.  The boys spend a lot of money during their vacation.
The word 'spend' is
A. a linking verb
B. a helping verb
C. an action verb
D. auxiliary verb

4. "He Borrowed some money from his uncle". The object of this sentence is....
A. Money
B. Some money
C. His uncle
D. From his uncle

5. I saw Henni this morning when I....for the bus.
A. am waiting
B. has waiting
C. had waited
D. was waiting

Download soal lengkap Mata Kuliah Structure I Universitas Terbuka (UT) di link berikut:

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